December is advancing steadily and Christmas will soon be upon us. But before that time comes, we would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU.
We would like to thank our interns, students and parents for their patience, but especially for their cooperation during this extraordinary school year.
Of course, a special thank you also applies to our colleagues and teachers who have mastered the special demands with their dedication and commitment, continued teaching from their desks at home or held the fort at the GPB College.
And while this year's Christmas may be a little different - than in years before - we wish everyone peaceful hours of celebration. Have a good rest and above all stay healthy and cheerful.
This year's Christmas donation is also intended to do good and so GPB is donating to Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH, which offers extensive support and assistance for families, children and young people throughout Berlin within the framework of child and youth welfare.
In this spirit: Merry Christmas. Your GPB College Team.