Pimp up your school

Student Council on the Go

[Translate to english:] Teilnehmer erstellen ein Plakat

As the newly elected student council, we have set ourselves some ambitious goals. In order to achieve as much as possible for everyone, we signed up for the "Pimp up your school" conference organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. With a team of 10, we attended various workshops and panel discussions. Topics included motivation and support for student council work, current education policy, as well as the Senate's budget cuts and their impacts. We received many suggestions and ideas that we can also imagine implementing at our school.

A big plus was the exchange with other participants. There were 40 schools represented, ranging from elementary schools to vocational schools. It was fascinating to hear what other schools have already implemented in their projects and what other ideas are out there. The most fun part was when we could actively participate and share our own ideas. It was a great conference, from which we took away a lot. A big thank you to Mrs. Wachholz and Mr. Chistruga for motivating us to sign up and for accompanying us on the day.