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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

For some important decisions we need more information, because when it comes to our future, no questions should be left unanswered. You will find the most frequently asked questions and answers about our training programmes and school-leaving qualifications here.

Before the start of training

How do I apply to the GPB College?

You can apply by email or by post (GPB College, Beuthstr. 8, 10117 Berlin). We need a short letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae in table form and your last school report (leaving certificate).

What can I expect at the information session?

During the information session, we will introduce you to our school and everything you need to know about your training programme and future career prospects. We will also clarify the admission requirements and funding opportunities and we will answer any other questions you might have.

Where can I get more information?

Our educational counselling service is available to answer all your questions. You can reach us by phone on 030 3904810, send an email or simply use the online contact form.

Are the GPB College training courses state-recognised?

Yes, all our courses are state-recognised. The GPB College is listed in the school directory of the Berlin Senate under the school number 01P39.

What does the job title assistant mean?

The assistant positions in the fields of technology, commerce and medicine were created in the 1980s. They are open to students who have a secondary school education (MSA). The GPB’s state-recognised training programmes are flexibly adapted to the labour market, take place in interdisciplinary learning fields and are strongly oriented towards professional fields of activity.

What is the difference between school-based training and dual training in a company?

School-based traineeships do not differ with respect to the final exam. All students will have to sit the same, at times even at the same time, final exams. As part of the schoThere is no difference between the school-based training and the dual training in the company. All students have the same final examination at the end of their training, and some have a joint final examination. In school-based training, the training and examination regulations are implemented in full, and the trainees can develop the focus and specialisations according to their preferences and interests. In dual vocational education and training, the focus is usually based on the requirements of the training company. In school-based training, it is possible to obtain a higher school-leaving certificate in addition to the vocational qualification, especially in the case of double-qualification courses. preferences. As part of a dual traineeship in a company, it is common that the needs of the traineeship providing company take priority. With school-based training, you have the additional opportunity to attain a higher-level school certificate apart from the training certificate; this is particularly the case for double-qualifying traineeships.

What financing options are there?

Depending on your personal life situation, you can finance your education with student grants (Schüler-BAföG), child benefits (Kindergeld) or student loans (Bildungskredit). We will be happy to advise you individually on the financing options for your studies.

Can I claim the school fees as a tax deduction?

School fees can be claimed as a special tax expense up to the amount of 5,000 euros per year.

Where can I find out how much BAföG I can receive?

In general, the amount and your entitlement to the student BAföG depend on many personal circumstances. For an initial estimate of whether and how much funding you can receive, you can consult the BAföG calculator online. We will be happy to advise you and support you with your application.

Other financing options:

Student loan (KfW)
Child benefits

How much notice is required to terminate the training contract?

You have the right to withdraw from the contract free of charge by adhering to the contractually agreed deadline of 6 weeks before the start of the training course. After the start of the programme, your contract can be terminated 6 weeks before the end of each school semester.

What does the programme cost?

Public schools have to finance part of the costs through school fees. The amount of the school fees depends on the type of course you are taking. School fees can be paid monthly and range from 175 to 195 euros. Tuition fee reductions, such as a family discount or a discount for the socially disadvantaged, are available upon request.

During the course of training

How is the programme at the GPB College structured?

Your training course is divided into four sections: classes, internship, exam preparation and final exams. For courses leading to a Chamber of Industry and Commerce qualification, you attend school for 2 years and 2 months and a work placement for 10 months. For training to become a state-recognised assistant, you attend classes for 1 year and 9 months and then complete a 3-month internship.

The two-year training programme to become a foreign language correspondent includes one month of work experience. The further training to become a European correspondent takes one year. The intensive examination preparation is accompanied by experienced specialist lecturers, some of whom are themselves members of the examination boards of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

What are the teaching hours?

At GPB College, classes are held from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00 (regular teaching hours). The classes from 3:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. are language courses, additional lessons, e.g. German as a foreign language and private tuition in all other subjects. There are no additional costs for these.

Which language is the main language of instruction during the training?

The language of instruction is generally German. For non-native speakers, the GPB College offers additional lessons. At the technical college, the language level B1 for non-native speakers must be proven.

Do I have physical education?

Yes, there are sports lessons, because this subject is part of every training programme. There are both theoretical lessons with health promotion and sports project days. Our annual summer trip to the Baltic Sea and the winter skiing trip to Austria are also part of the sports lessons.

How are the classes structured?

The classes consist of approx. 12 to 24 participants.

Is there a probationary period?

There is a probationary period of 6 months for students. During this first period, we pay special attention to your performance and attendance and try to support you if necessary.

Are there school holidays?

Yes, a total of 12 weeks off per year. Our holidays are based on the dates of the regular Berlin school holidays.

Are there holiday courses and additional lessons?

Yes, during the school holidays you have the opportunity to attend free holiday courses. You can also take part in additional lessons during school hours and repeat or deepen the knowledge you have already acquired.

What about the (technical) equipment?

When it comes to technical equipment, we always make sure to offer a modern working environment. The high proportion of online-supported lessons requires a computer workstation that is available to you at all times.

Where do I get my books?

At the beginning of the school year you will receive a book list so that you can buy the books you need in time.

How does the internship work?

The internship is compulsory and an important part of your training programme, because it offers you the opportunity to apply and deepen the knowledge you have learned at the college in a company of your choice.

When deciding on a company, you can either use one of our numerous cooperation partners or freely choose your own company that matches your preferences and interests.

The students themselves are responsible for finding and applying for internships, as this is also about gaining experience in the application process. Of course, you will be supported and helped to prepare by your experienced class teacher and the internship counsellor. 

If you would like to complete your internship abroad, you might receive attractive funding through the Auslands-BAföG, Erasmus or other funding programmes. We are happy to provide you with detailed advice on these programmes.

Is the internship paid?

Whether or not you receive remuneration during your internship depends on the internship hosting company. We will support you with the contractual arrangements.

How will I be prepared for the final exam?

You will be prepared for the final exam from the first day of the training course. We also check whether or not you are on the right course through regular performance reviews.

To be on the safe side, the learning content is repeated more thoroughly shortly before the final exam. You will be extensively prepared for the final exam during this time.

Can I acquire additional certificates?

You can take various additional certification exams during your studies. Depending on the occupational profile, these are possible in the areas of information technology or languages.

KMK foreign language certificates, for example, are required in addition to passing the final examination for a successful vocational qualification as an office management assistant.

In the IT sector, it is possible to acquire Linux, Microsoft, COMPTIA or CISCO certificates, among others.

We also offer business-oriented certificates such as the ECDL ("European Computer Driving Licence") or the Microsoft Office Specialist or the EBCL ("European Business Driving Licence").

If you are learning a foreign language, you can also acquire internationally recognised certificates in English (LCCI), French (DELF, DALF), Spanish (DELE), Japanese (JLPT), Korean (TOPiK) and Chinese (HSK).