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Open Day 2024 | Pankow

What exactly is web design, how do solar technology and 3D printing actually work, how do I turn a sound recording into a real audio product, why does a greenroom have to be green and how do I build a Matchbox truck out of metal? We revealed all this and much more at our Technology Day in Pankow.

Open Day 2024 | Mitte

What is the difference between a hanbok and a kimono? What makes Cuba so fascinating and how do you spell Japan in Chinese? Or would you even have cracked our online economics quiz? Once again this year, there were four floors of exciting insights and background information on our training programmes.

Open Day 2023

Did you know…that French was once used as the language of the English Parliament and that the Chinese drink tea differently to the Japanese and Koreans?

Were you aware that the Spanish language has more than 4000 words of Arabic origin and SAP is relatively easy to learn in the basics?

And have you ever wondered what K.I.Z. song titles have to do with SQL?

Well, all this you would have found if you had visited our Open Day event this year. But don’t worry, we'll come up with something new again next year ;-)

Open day 2022

After two long years, we were finally able to open our doors to visitors again at the weekend. In a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, there was an opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people, to take part in workshops or simply to find out about our training programmes.

Open day 2020

In 2020, we were unfortunately only able to present ourselves to you digitally due to the pandemic. In addition to pictures and short films, there were virtual live information sessions where our counsellors presented all the important aspects of our courses and answered questions.

Asian Languages Festival 2019

All Asia fans had the opportunity to get to know us better and to participate in exciting workshops at the Asian Languages Festival on 07.12.2019.

Open Day 2019

In 2019, the open day offered an extensive programme where visitors could gain their first experience in the various specialist areas and find out about the courses on offer.