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Entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences

Focus: Business and administration

There's a simple formula for careers that are fun and well-paid: the higher your school-leaving certificate, the greater the choice.

With the Fachhochschulreife (also known as the Fachoberschulreife), you can do everything right and pave the way for a diploma or higher certificate in just one year.

Course dates

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

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Entry requirements

You need a secondary school certificate (MSA) and completed vocational training or relevant professional experience in the business or administration sectors. And if german is not your mother tongue, then at least Language level German B1.

If you are not sure whether your qualifications are sufficient, simply contact us and we will find out together.

What are the benefits of the Fachhochschulreife?

In just one year of schooling, you will acquire a high-level school-leaving qualification that will bring you a good deal closer to your dream job. With the Fachabitur, you have a huge choice of business-related courses of study at the universities of applied sciences, in addition to business administration or international business, and you can prepare your professional career there.

And even if you decide not to go to university for the time being, but rather to look for a business profession, you have a clear advantage on the job market with a Fachabi. Your chances of a successful career are significantly greater with a vocational qualification and a Fachhochschule entrance qualification.

What do I learn at the FOS?

Your course content is based subject specialisation (i.e. business and administration related topics). The course is divided into two areas: the academic subjects and the theoretical subjects.

The school subjects include:

  • German
  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Physics
  • Political science and history
  • Sports

The subject-specific subjects include, among others:

  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Information Technology
  • Law
  • Human resources and organisation

Side note: If you are talented at languages, you can acquire an additional certificate in English from the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States (KMK examination) at our school in addition to your regular classes, which will look pretty good on your CV.

Next steps

We would like to get to know you. Just register for one of our information events or arrange a personal consultation. Here we present our school and your path to a qualification or suitable alternatives at GPB College. Furthermore, we will discuss with you the possibilities for the financial support of your education.

Once all the conditions have been met, you can start with us as soon as possible. Any questions? Here are the answers!

And when does it start?

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

Continue in German