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Learning languages at GPB College

Language skills that go beyond one's mother tongue are actually already the standard in our interconnected world and will become more and more important as globalisation progresses. If you want to work in a multicultural environment, whether in journalism, media, social work or business, it's best to start your professional language learning right away.

Many companies have subsidiaries, branches, cooperations or even their headquarters abroad, and they prefer (and sometimes exclusively) to hire multilingual staff to be able to communicate with them. At the same time, foreign language skills also give you the chance to work overseas.

For this reason, the GPB College offers not only traditional business languages such as English, French and Spanish, but also foreign languages that are becoming more in demand such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Course dates

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of these courses is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

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