News from GPB College

Ski trip to Lienz

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[Translate to english:] großer Saal mit Teilnehmern

Student Council on the Go

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[Translate to english:] Läufer am Start

Put your good resolutions into action now!

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[Translate to english:] Blick in die Bowlinghalle

Traditional Christmas Bowling for both campuses for the first time

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[Translate to english:] Glühlampe mit Schrift Praktikum

Exciting internship experiences

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[Translate to english:] Schülergruppe am Strand

Getting to know you the fun way

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[Translate to english:] IFA Fahnen

Creepy encounters of the futuristic kind

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[Translate to english:] Mensch vor Treppe

The new school year has begun

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[Translate to english:] Freie Schulen unverzichtbar

GPB College – part of an innovative educational landscape

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[Translate to english:] Detlef Soost am GPB College

A Workshop of a special kind for uur students

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