News from GPB College

[Translate to english:] Läufer am Start

Put your good resolutions into action now!

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 trip to japan 2024

A travel report on an incredibly exciting discovery tour in Japan.

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Media teaching project

And what role does the media play in our democracy?

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3 reasons why you should do study to be a foreign language assistant.

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Introductory trip at the start of training in 2023

Our training programme started with sand in our swimming trunks and marshmallows around the campfire.

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Start of training 2023

Welcome to the training year of 2023/24

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[Translate to english:] Selfie mit Dokomi-Kreaturen

We introduced ourselves at the biggest convention for Japanese youth culture during the first weekend of July.

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Korean Cultural Centre

This time it happened at the Korean Cultural Centre.

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[Translate to english:] Laptop-Spende Lagos

Digital opportunities: We are supporting a Nigerian school with laptops.

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Dress up! It's "Career Day" at HENGELER MUELLER

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