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European correspondent

Part-time online vs. full-time in Berlin-Mitte

When others pull out their cell phones with "Google Translator", do you just want to laugh? Then take things to the next level and start your international career. Combine the professional application of your foreign language skills with administrative and business skills and earn the Bachelor Professional with this advanced qualification.

Course dates

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

Continue in German

Admission requirements

  • Training or degree:
    Training as a bilingual or trilingual foreign language correspondent
    Or, a university degree or certificate with a foreign language focus.

  • Knowledge of foreign languages:
    1st foreign language (compulsory): English B2 level
    2nd foreign language (compulsory): French / Spanish B1 level
    3rd foreign language (optional): French / Spanish A1/A2 or Asian foreign languages A2/B1 level.

  • German is not your mother tongue? Language level German B2

Your responsibilities as a European correspondent

As a European correspondent, you are the contact person between different language groups, cultures, business partners and customers, making you your company's strongest asset.

You handle correspondence and translations in several foreign languages and conduct contract negotiations until the contracts are signed. You are also responsible for all strategic and administrative activities and maintain international business contacts. You arrange appointments, organise conferences and business trips and you prepare presentations. You also look after foreign guests and trade partners.

Although your activities are demanding, you demonstrate sensibility in dealing with the respective cultures and ways of life. Your foreign language skills are complemented by administrative and organisational skills and make you an excellent all-rounder in everyday office life.

We prepare you for your career

The modern, demanding and practice-oriented advanced training to become a European Correspondent is geared towards the needs of international business and offers you numerous opportunities to improve your career prospects significantly.

Acquire in-depth language skills, business skills and a sound general knowledge of regional studies, culture and international communication. You can choose French or Spanish as your 2nd compulsory language and French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese or Korean as an optional 3rd foreign language. English is a compulsory subject.

Online part-time

Lessons: 3 evenings per week

Being able to join the online course from home, the office or on the road gives you the flexibility to integrate the 24-month course into your everyday life. All you need is a digital device and a stable internet connection.

The online course is supplemented by 2 face-to-face weekends per semester. These take place at our institute in Berlin-Mitte, because in addition to practical group exercises, e.g. in interpreting,the  learning of success checks and exams require your personal presence. This also gives you the opportunity to work on specific topics with lecturers and fellow students and to clarify unanswered questions.

On site full time

Lessons: 5 days per week

Halve your training time to 12 months by joining the course full-time. In face-to-face teaching, we offer you personal support from the lecturers right up to the examination. In addition, this approach promotes exchange and networking within the group and gives you a fixed structure and routine in the learning process.

Job opportunities

After completing your studies, you can find work in middle to senior management in the following sectors:

  • Ministries and EU authorities (e.g. Federal Foreign Office),
  • Public administration (senior civil service),
  • Industrial, commercial or service companies,
  • Activities in international companies (e.g. import and export)
  • Tourism (e.g. airlines, travel agencies, hotels)

Next steps

We would like to get to know you and would be happy if you simply registered for one of our information events.

Here we will introduce you to your desired profession or suitable alternatives and explain the training process at GPB College. We will also discuss the possibilities of financial support for your training.

You are welcome to send us your application in advance, consisting of a short cover letter, a curriculum vitae in table form and your most recent school report.

Once all the basic conditions have been clarified, you can start at the earliest possible date. Any questions? Click here for the answers!

And when does it start?

Almost done... just quickly change the language: The instruction language of this course is German, therefore you will find all start dates and course contents only in the German version of the website.

Continue in German